Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How to create blog in blogspot?

The easiest way to create a blog.
Well guys. I am a newcomer to the blogspot. But I try to create a way to create a blog that is expected to be a reference for me alone when my friend who might be asking, "How to create a blog?"

There are so many benefits that we will get in blogging. as make friends, get informations, learn to be a great writer, can generate revenue, and much more.

The following is a simple way to create a blog:

1. Creating E-Mail at
Blogger is now being acquired by google. So, the first step to create a blog on blogspot we must have an account "GMAIL" as the Email used to register at

How to make Email in Gmail?
Go to and click on the top right corner of the Create An Account


 Input data in Gmail account to be created such as name, place of birth date, passwords, and others.
Usually, in making E-Mail on Gmail we need to verify via our mobile phone number. So try to enter your phone numbers. Wait a view minutes, google will send verification code to your mobile phone and submit it.
Having created a new email in Gmail you can proceed to step 2 create a blog

2. After creating an email in GMAIL, it is time to open
Fill E-Mail and password and sign in.


3. Creating a blog in blogspot.
Now it's time to blog.

Blogger account click on "New Blog" to create a blog. Then the page will appear to select Title, Address Template. It's time to make a Blog and Blogs.

How to Create Blogger: select title, address and template

4. Congratulations! Up here blog has been created, but still empty. After this there will be some things that need to be set prior to posting.

Friday, July 8, 2011

How to Add Hit Counter to Blogspot ?

Hit counter is a gadget that is used to calculate and find out how many visitors who visit our site or blog. Now, I will explain how to add a Hit Counter on your blog.

1. Open

2. Select the Hit Counter that you like and click it.

3. You will be directed to this page. Write the information needed. And click get your counter.
4. Copy and paste this code to notepad and save it.
5. Then open your blogspot >>> Design >>> Pege Elements >>> Add Gadget >>> HTML/Java Script 

>>> then paste the code to here and save.
6. Well done. Then View your blog.

Well, It's very easy, Isn't it?
Thanks for You.